• [英语听力] 童话听写:清水?是葡萄酒哦!(1/2)

    童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本...

    2011-09-29 09:00
  • [英语听力] 童话听写:精灵与鞋匠(3/3)

    童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本...

    2011-09-27 09:00
  • [英语听力] 童话听写:精灵与鞋匠(2/3)

    童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本...

    2011-09-24 09:00
  • [英语听力] 英语床前故事:彼得·潘 18

    Mrs. Darling is very happy. She says, "Welcome, Lost Boys. Now we are one big family." The Lost Boys are very happy to hear that, too. "Peter, live here with us," says Wendy. "No, I will alwa...

    2011-09-23 08:57
  • [英语听力] 童话听写:精灵与鞋匠(1/3)

    童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本...

    2011-09-22 09:00
  • [英语听力] 英语床前故事:彼得•潘 17

    提示: "Hooray! Hooray!" All the children shout. They sing and dance. However, Wendy says, "I love all of you, but I want to go home." "I miss Mommy," say John and Michael. Peter is sad, b

    2011-09-22 08:56
  • [英语听力] 童话故事:彼得·潘 17

    提示: "Hooray! Hooray!" All the children shout. They sing and dance. However, Wendy says, "I love all of you, but I want to go home." "I miss Mommy," say John and Michael. Peter is sad, bu...

    2011-09-22 08:56
  • [英语听力] 英语床前故事:彼得·潘 16

    提示: "P..Peter Pan! Are you alive?" shouts Captain Hook. "Of course." Peter cuts the children's ropes. The children fight the Pirates. Soon the Pirates run away. Peter fights Hook. Finally ...

    2011-09-21 14:55
  • [英语听力] 英语床前故事:彼得·潘 15

    On the pirate ship, the children walk the plank. The crocodile sits at the end of the plank. "I am scared," cries John. "Don't worry. Peter will save us," whispers Wendy. At that time Peter j...

    2011-09-20 09:53
  • [英语听力] 童话听写:小老鼠(2/2)

    童年对每个人来说都是美丽的, 童话对每个人来说都是清新的, 如一缕明媚的阳光, 如初恋般的清纯。 跟上《童话的色彩》的脚步, 为你插上记忆的翅膀, 带你回到童话故事般的儿时。 请大家根据音频听写。 本...

    2011-09-20 09:00