• [英语听力] Earth&Sky:能量遇水

    听写填空,只写填空内容,不抄全文,4个单词/词组+1个句子,不用写标号~ Lisa Epifani: Some of our choices to move away from foreign oil mean using more water, and I think it’s those trade-offs that...

    2011-06-20 06:00
  • [英语听力] 词语掌故:和水有关的俚语(2/2)

    词语掌故:有关水的表达 Hints: None 校稿 方小异 翻译 superabit 组长 莜珍"To keep your head above water" is a colorful expression that means staying out of debt. A company seeks to keep its head...

    2011-05-08 00:00
  • [英语听力] 词语掌故:和水有关的俚语(1/2)

    Expressions about water are almost as common as water itself. But many of the expressions using water have unpleasant meanings. The expression "to be in hot water" is one of them. It is a very o...

    2011-05-07 00:00
  • [英语听力] 红十字称缅甸净水为当务之急(2)

    红十字会秘书长Markus Niskala认为”纳尔吉斯”风暴是惨绝人寰的人道主义灾难。……He says the heavy rains that are predicted in the coming days will make it even more difficult for aid workers to rea...

    2008-05-19 00:00
  • [英语听力] 紫外线杀菌(2)

    某些系统使用紫外线光照来杀灭有害有机物。其中有种利用紫外线杀菌的产品叫做“水之星”,由子午线设计公司出品...Meridian's newest water treatment device is called the mUV ("move"). This micro-UV devic...

    2007-11-16 00:00
  • [英语听力] 紫外线杀菌(1)

    某些系统使用紫外线光照来杀灭有害有机物。其中有种利用紫外线杀菌的产品叫做“水之星”,由子午线设计公司出品...Viruses, bacteria and other organisms in dirty water sicken hundreds of millions of peop...

    2007-11-15 00:00