• [英语听力] 【英语听力入门3000(1)】各地节日1

    Listen to the following holidays which are observed in different areas around the world. Hints: Valentin

    2013-08-06 09:00
  • [英语词汇] 国家的英文怎么说


    2012-06-29 15:30
  • [小学英语] 小学英语翻斗乐:你来自哪个国家?

    小学英语翻斗乐是一档寓教于乐的少儿教学节目,主要分为四个板块,分别是"kid's words"单词为主,"kid's talk"分享话题,"kid's songs"欣赏歌曲,"kid's game"玩中学习。本期节目主题是"Where are you from?",让

    2012-05-11 08:30
  • [小学英语] 小学英语翻斗乐:国家

    小学英语翻斗乐是一档寓教于乐的少儿教学节目,主要分为四个板块,分别是"kid's words"单词为主,"kid's talk"分享话题,"kid's songs"欣赏歌曲,"kid's game"玩中学习,致力于让小朋友们学得轻松,学得快乐!本期

    2012-04-19 09:00
  • [英语文化] 全球最适合女生的七个国家


    2011-11-04 17:54
  • [英语听力] 美国国家植物园欢迎您(1/2)

    欢迎来到美国国家植物园 Hints: Washington United States National Arboretum United States Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service 校稿 龙猫08 翻译 lahmmsc 组长 lisa1128Many peopl...

    2010-12-06 00:00
  • [英语听力] 中低收入国家疾病研究(2)

    中低收入国家疾病研究Hints:dementiaLancetIn low and middle income countries, heart disease and cancer get much of the attention given to chronic diseases. The researchers say increased importance ...

    2010-01-02 00:00
  • [英语听力] 中低收入国家疾病研究(1)

    一项新的调查表明,在中低收入国家,导致老年人残疾的主要原因是痴呆。Hints:dementiaRenata Sousa Institute of Psychiatry Dominican RepublicVenezuelagastrointestinal new study says the leading cause o...

    2010-01-01 00:00
  • [英语听力] 寻找为穷人带来光明的更好方法(2)

    寻找为穷人带来光明的更好方法。 Hints: Dave Irvine-Halliday NepalLight-emitting diodes are small glass lamps that use much less electricity than traditional bulbs and last much longer. Professo...

    2009-12-25 00:00
  • [英语听力] 为贫困国家的家庭带去光明(1)

    寻找为穷人带来光明的更好方法。 Hints: Dave Irvine-Halliday Nepal Himalayas light-emitting diodes (LEDs) Calgary AlbertaMore than 1,500,000,000 people around the world live without electricity. ...

    2009-12-24 00:00