• [英语听力] Earth&Sky:土壤会加速地球变暖吗?

    听写填空,只写填空内容,不抄全文,3-5个句子,不用写标号,注意标点~ Today the complex relationship between the soil under our feet and our warming world. Microbiologist Charles Rice told EarthSky ...

    2011-09-10 06:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:全球变暖是谣言?!

    Congress has finally acted on global warming—by denying it exists. It’s in the grand lawmaking tradition of the Indiana state legislature’s 1897 attempt to ___1___ the value of pi. The Republ...

    2011-07-25 10:00
  • [英语听力] Earth&Sky:卷云造雨减缓全球变暖?

    听写填空,只写填空内容,不抄全文,4个单词/词组+1个句子,不用写标号~ David Mitchell: You cloud coverage and there's less cirrus clouds in the upper atmosphere now to trap that heat, so more heat ...

    2011-06-22 06:00
  • [英语听力] Earth&Sky:卷云造雨减缓全球变暖?

    听写填空,只写填空内容,不抄全文,4个单词/词组+1个句子,不用写标号~ David Mitchell: You cloud coverage and there's less cirrus clouds in the upper atmosphere now to trap that heat, so more heat .

    2011-06-22 06:00
  • [英语听力] 全球变暖是谬误?(2)

    伦敦极端天气与全球变暖有什么关系呢?Today we have more data. But now science has provided a theory, a model of the weather system. Fronts and anticyclones are individual weather events, which bri...

    2011-03-03 23:01
  • [英语阅读] 地球不是在变暖、而将进入微型冰河期?(组图)


    2010-01-13 11:13
  • [未分类小类] 牲畜吃蒜可抑制全球变暖

    给母牛喂食大蒜和燕麦可以减少其打嗝,这或许会成为抑制全球变暖的一个新途径。 英国威尔士地区将要求农民尝试给牲口喂食新“配方”饲料,从而减少它们打嗝时...

    2009-12-21 09:36
  • [英语听力] 温室效应带来健康隐患(2)

    温室效应不仅仅带来气候变化,还带来了健康隐患"Already we have evidence to indicate that global warming climate change have a negative impact on health, so the WHO, I think, has to play our role." ...

    2007-09-19 00:00
  • [英语听力] 温室效应带来健康隐患(1)

    温室效应不仅仅带来气候变化,还带来了健康隐患Dr. Timothy Pyakalyia says farmers in his tropical homeland, Papua New Guinea, have been enjoying fruit harvests at elevations where fruit never grew b...

    2007-09-18 00:00