10 jobs that will get a raise in 2010

Farewell and good riddance to 2009, a year in which a whopping 85% of big companies did away with across-the-board annual merit raises, according to a survey by Deloitte & Touche. Surprisingly, executives fared somewhat worse than the rank and file, with 66% of senior managers seeing either no increase in their pay or a salary reduction, versus 54% of employees in the same boat.
终于告别了2009年了,据Deloitte & Touche统计,在这一年里多达85%的公司都在全公司范围内取消了年终既定的加薪。令人惊讶的是,管理层的待遇甚至比普通员工还要差,66%的高级经理虽然没有被减薪,但却也没有加薪,相对的,有54%的员工也遇到了相同的情况。

The year ahead looks slightly brighter. For one thing, more than half (54%) of companies that froze salaries in 2009 are planning a thaw over the next few months, according to a poll by compensation consultants Watson Wyatt. Meanwhile, 35% of employers that had reduced or cut 401(k) matching contributions expect to restore them in 2010 -- with 70% of them reinstating the matches at their original levels.
接下来的一年似乎给人带来了一点希望。首先是,由薪酬咨询顾问公司Watson Wyatt做出的一份民意调查结果显示,有超过一半的公司(占54%)计划在接下来的几个月内解冻2009年冻结的薪资。同时,有35%的雇主声称会重启在去年削减或终止的401(k)缴费计划,而另外的70%的雇主则声称会恢复到原有水平。

One reason for the changes: Almost 40% of the companies surveyed think their financial situation is beginning to improve, or at least isn't getting any worse, Watson Wyatt's researchers found, up from 27% back in August.
变化的原因之一:参加调查的公司有接近40%的认为财政状况已经有所提高,至少不会再变得更糟糕。Watson Wyatt的调查显示,8月份财政回升了27%。

Even so, salary increases at most companies are unlikely to exceed 3%, notes a study by Towers Perrin. That's certainly better than nothing, but it's still a step down from the nearly 4% median increase seen in the pre-recession days of 2007.
即使如此,很多公司的薪资增长也不会超过3%,这是由Towers Perrin的一个研究指出的。而这肯定比什么都没有要好,但是和2007年经济复苏时期接近4%的平均增长相比还是明显的有所降低。

Some employers seem to be contemplating giving out stock instead of money. Despite the markets' roller coaster ride, a November poll of 200 companies by Charles Schwab found that 25% plan to boost stock plan benefits in the coming year.

So who is in the best position now to get a raise? The short answer: People whose skills are in demand because they serve a particular strategic purpose.

"Companies now want to invest in staff members with specific expertise who can help them capitalize on opportunities that are just emerging from all the economic turmoil," says Max Messmer, CEO of staffing giant Robert Half International.
人力资源巨头公司Robert Half International的CEO Max Messmer说:“现在的公司都只想对那些有专门技术的员工投资,因为他们能够抓住从经济复苏中刚刚浮现出来机会。”

In a recent look at the IT and finance industries, Robert Half researchers identified 10 fields where pay overall is steady or rising, and starting salaries in 2010 will be more generous than average. They are:
Robert Half调查者通过最近对IT和金融业的观察,发现总共有十大行业发展很稳定或正在持续增长,并且2010年的起薪将会高出平均水平。他们是:

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