4. Keep repositioning the "golden ring." A couple of years ago, before the recession started, you probably had a goal in mind. Whether or not you've already reached it, Piotrowski recommends that you take some time to reflect on "what will inspire you and jazz you career-wise in the future. Then jot down a new set of goals to keep you moving ahead."

Duncan Mathison, a career coach and co-author (with Martha I. Finney) of "Unlock the Hidden Job Market: 6 Steps to a Successful Job Search When Times Are Tough" , says there are three things you can do right now, today, to start you off right in 2010:
Duncan Mathison是一位职业教授,也是"Unlock the Hidden Job Market: 6 Steps to a Successful Job Search When Times Are Tough"一书的作者之一,他说为了在2010年有个很好的开始,有三件事情是你马上可以开始做的:

1. Shift your attention from the expedient to the important. "A real career disabler is choosing to focus first on the things you can get off your plate first, regardless of their importance," Mathison observes. "Instead, do what's most important first, and put off the unimportant -- even if it will 'just take a minute.'" Doing the things that best serve your career goals before you do anything else, he says, will keep you from frittering away precious time and energy on non-essentials.

2. Have a conversation with your manager about your job, your career goals, and where he or she sees you headed in the future. "Take the guesswork out of where you stand," Mathison suggests -- again, so you can devote more attention to what matters, which is where you're going next, either at this company or elsewhere.
与你的经理就你的工作、职业目标、以及他或她对你将来的期望进行一次谈话。“不要再做无谓的猜测。” Mathison再次如此建议。他说这样做的话你就可以花更多的心思在真正重要的事情上,专注在你接下来的行动上,不管是在现在的公司还是在别的地方。

3. Let go of the old and embrace the new. Change is tough, and there's been too much of it in recent months, but Mathison urges you to work up some genuine enthusiasm for new projects and ways of doing things, if you possibly can. "Don't take a 'wait and see' attitude," he says. "Gracefully end conversations with colleagues that involve whining about the good old days." They're gone.