Take a class  参加一个培训班

From art design to advertising to auto repair, you should be able to find a class in your area that's relevant to your career. And you're guaranteed to meet a group of people who are also interested in your industry.

As an added bonus, a class can give you new skills to boost your resume and make you even more attractive to employers.

Revisit Your Past 重温你的过去

Wish you could find a ready-made network, just waiting for you to join? You can: Your alumni association.

Most colleges and even many high schools have alumni organizations made up of former graduates. These organizations usually contain people in every occupation and industry imaginable.

If your former school has an alumni group, get involved.

Take advantage of the fact that you have something in common with the other alums. Remember: It's always easier to meet new people when you share an experience.

Give Something to Get Something  有付出才有回报

Sure, volunteer work lets you help others. But it also lets you help yourself -- and your job search.

Consider doing volunteer work to expand your network. You'll likely meet an entirely new group of people.

Choose an organization that's related to your profession, if possible. If you can't find a relevant company or cause, offer to help out your favorite charity by doing something that's job-related. Organizations can always use an extra set of hands to help with everything from computer work to clerical tasks.

By volunteering, you'll get a chance to use your skills, expand your network and make a much-needed contribution.

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