For Love of Industry


Faking a strong interest in a particular industry is preferable to telling a recruiteryou're desperate for any job he or she has to offer.


"I think it's acceptable to lie about being passionate about an industry," Jansen says. "Nobody was born being passionate about manufacturing."


Who You Know


Drop names, if you've actually met or interacted with an industry mover or shaker.


"It's a matter of degree -- I wouldn't go full tilt and say [someone's] one of my best friends if they're not, because you can be found out," Levit says.


Fired or Quit?


If you were let go or laid off from your last position, be honest about the circumstances if asked. Then try to refocus the conversation on your future.


"You should immediately turn ‘the subject' into a positive by saying you're looking for a new challenge," Levit says.

"你应该通过说自己正在寻求新的挑战来将话题转回积极面" Levit说。

No Time for Tears


Even if a position seems a bit of a professional stretch, don't let on that you have any doubts about your ability to get the job done.


"Can you imagine someone saying they're scared?" Williams says. "That may be the truth, but you don't want to hear it in an interview. Get a therapistor get a friend -- your boss is not your friend."

Williams 说:"你能想象有人说自己被吓到了吗?这可能是事实,但是在面试中你不想听到这样的事情。(当发生这样的情况时)去找一位心理学家或朋友,你的上司并不是你的朋友。"



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