Reducing Under Eye Puffiness 不要揉眼睛;使用冷水、茶袋敷眼

Oh. And, rubbing your eyes is probably a habit you should break, as it can serve to damage those delicate blood vessels behind all this. If it's puffiness you're concerned about, give these tricks a whirl. Splashing cold water on your eyes first thing in the morning can help under-eye capillaries to contract and reduce swelling. Likewise, you could try putting two spoons in the freezer for about 5 minutes, then gently placing them on your eyes for another 5. Leaving two moist green or chamomile tea bags in the fridge overnight, then applying them directly to your eyes for 15 minutes first thing in the morning works wonders, too.

Effective Eye Creams  使用眼霜

You can also use cucumbers, but really, they're so cliched. Creams with concentrated vitamin C or vitamin K might also do the trick, and if worse comes to worst, you can always try using a concealer. Assuming you're in the habit of wearing makeup. That's not to say that you shouldn't try getting your 8 hours a night, or limiting your monitor-staring time to 8 hours a day. You might also want to avoid getting into any boxing matches, too.

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