'Twitter' was the most popular word of 2009, according to the Global Language Monitor, an Austin, Texas, group that tracks English-language trends.

全球语言监测机构(Global Language Monitor)称,“Twitter”是2009年最流行词汇。该机构位于得克萨斯州奥斯汀,跟踪英语语言的趋势。

This marks the first year that a technology-related word took the top spot, as opposed to a name or a political event, said Paul J.J. Payack, the group's president. Last year, for example, the most popular term was 'change.'

该机构总裁帕亚克(Paul JJ Payack)说,这是与科技相关的词首次成为年度最流行词,以前都是名词或政治事件。比如去年的最流行词是“变革(change)”。

'We were very surprised,' he said. 'Usually events drive word creation. Obama, swine flu, economic catastrophe, foreclosure - those were big this year. But they weren't as big as Twitter.'


Twitter also made a runner-up appearance in Bing's top searches of the year, right behind 'Michael Jackson.' Microsoft recently integrated tweets into the search engine's results, and Google has said it plans to do the same.

Twitter在微软“必应”(Bing)搜索引擎中搜索量名列第二,仅次于“迈克尔•杰克逊”(Michael Jackson)。微软不久前将Twitter的发布内容纳入其搜索结果中,谷歌(Google)也表示打算这样做。

The news didn't surprise the techies who have long incorporated 'Twitter,' 'tweet,' 'retweet' and 'fail whale' into their vocabularies.

科技精英对此并不意外,他们早就将“Twitter”、“tweet”(在Twitter上发布内容)、“retweet”(重新发布)和“fail whale”(指Twitter掉线)等词挂在嘴边了。

'With 'Twitter' declared English's most popular word and 'unfriend' taking the title of Oxford Dictionary's Word of the Year, what else does social media have to conquer?' Mashable's Ben Parr asked.

知名科技博客Mashable的作者帕尔(Ben Parr)说,“Twitter”成了最流行的英语词汇,“unfriend”(在社交网站上与某人解除好友关系)也入选《牛津英语词典》(Oxford Dictionary)的“年度热门词汇”,他问到,社交媒体还有哪些领域要征服的?

The Global Language Monitor used an algorithm that tracks language and its uses across media, social-networking sites and the rest of the Internet, taking into consideration frequency of appearance, context and short- and long-term trends. While Twitter came in No. 1, it was closely followed by political and cultural references such as 'Obama,' 'H1N1,' 'stimulus' and 'vampire.' In sixth place was the ever-present '2.0.'


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