Just because I'm maturing, people think I'm going senile

She's a keeper.
keeper 守护者,看护人
I won't get in your way. 
get in somebody's way 妨碍某人

Don't wander off. 
wander off 走失了

But it's from those slackers and deadbeats who don't do their job. I keep my nose clean. 
slacker 懒虫
deadbeat 债鬼
keep nose clean 安分守己 to keep out of trouble, especially trouble with the law

keep nose clean最早其实应该是keep hands clean,出自早期英国教士布道的语句keep his Hands clean from Corruption,结果传到美国去后把不知道怎么着就变成保持鼻子的干净了。

you're not on a shift.
on a shift 当班

- She's got balls.  
- Well, ovaries, actually.  
- All right, you got a pair of steel ovaries.  
- Thank you.  
- Will you two please...  
- Always so proper. Will you loosen up?  
- He's quite skittish when the subject of sex comes up.  
- No, I'm not.
- Maybe I didn't give him enough information when he was a kid.
have balls 【俚语】有种
ovary 卵巢
loosen up 放松
skittish 怯懦


I never had the nerve to tell him that it was my fault. 
have nerve to 敢于做某人,有勇气做某事

Wait, are we staying on point here? 
stay on point 没跑题

Pops has been making grilled cheese for a long time.
grilled cheese 烤起司三明治

That'd be a first.
