Best Keywords to Find a Job Online


When looking for a telecommuting job online, use the right keywords.


To search for a telecommuting job online efficiently and effectively choose the right keywords. There is no single, best place to look for a work-at-home job online. Often you end up searching in many places, i.e. company websites, job boards, etc.


And, unfortunately, many of these sites use different keywords to tag the home-based job online. One company's database may tag them all with "telecommute" while another with "remote." When you plug in keywords to a job board or search engine, they usually search the text of the postings. So it just depends on what each poster used to describe the job online.


How to Search for a Job Online


If searching for a job online on a company's web page or on a specialized job board that only deals in your line of work, you may want to use the keywords listed below by themselves to bring up any job and sort through them youself. If searching on a general jobs search engine, you'll likely need to add a keyword related you your field of expertise to narrow your search.


If you uses a search engine frequently, experiment with which keyword work best, then, if possible, save your search. Some allow you to save if you register. You also may be able to save the search by bookmarking the page of results.


(1)Work at Home or Work from Home

Generally search engines ignore word like "at" and "from" so these can be used interchangeably. However, in practice you may find that some databases give different results for these two terms.

一般情况下,搜索引擎都会对"at" 、"from"这些词忽略不计,所以这些词是可以交替使用的。但是,实际操作的时候你可能会发现有些数据库对于这两个词会给出不同的搜索结果。

These are two of the most popular keywords, but the problem is that both "work" and "home" are common words that can bring up extraneous results. You could try putting the words in quotes to bring up only exact matches, but keep in mind that this excludes "work-at-home" (with hyphens), which in many cases is the grammatically correct usage.


Sometime just "home" by itself will work. This brings up the useful "home-based jobs" but also things like home health care or home repair.


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