The Strategy Could Backfire

This approach does have pitfalls. First, some employers may not call, choosing instead to focus on applicants who provided the information on the application.

"My take on it is that if you are a qualified candidate and they are going to ignore you because you did not send in your salary history, you do not want to work for that organization," Phillips says.
“我觉得如果你是合格的候选人,而他们仅仅因为你没有提供薪资历史就对你不予考虑,那么你也不会想要在这样的公司里工作。” Phillips如是说。

Even if you make it to the conversation stage, simply stating your expectations may not work.

Tell the Truth

"They could say any number for an expectation," says Lori Itani, an independent staffing consultant who focuses on high tech companies. When Itani talks to candidates, she asks for their salary history. "Everybody I talk to ends up giving that information out."
Lori Itani是一位专门负责高科技公司的员工咨询顾问,她说“他们可以用任何数字来作为期望薪资”。在Itani和候选人面谈的时候,她会询问他们的薪资史。“和我谈话的每一个人最终都放弃了这一想法。”
Itani is looking not only at whether the candidate is likely to be happy with the salary the company can offer, but also at whether the person has received raises when changing jobs. She also notes that employers can verify this information, so it's critical to tell the truth.

In the end, Phillips says, it's not usually a problem to give the employer the information. If bonuses or stock options were part of your pay package, mention this when you give salary numbers -- it could make a case for paying you more. If you know the position you're interviewing for pays less than you're making and you're OK with that, say so.

And remember that when the company actually makes an offer, you can still negotiate.