
希腊神话中的缪斯女神是艺术与青春之神,欧洲诗人常以她比作灵感与艺术的象征.即第六感女神,又名缪斯女神 缪斯女神实际上是天神宙斯的九个女儿,这九个女神在希腊神话中被称为缪斯女神,每人分管从绘画到音乐等诸多艺术中的一种,这些女神最能激发艺术家创作灵感。 缪斯女神是希腊神话中,九位掌管诗词、歌曲、舞蹈、历史等女神的称呼,一般也作为对诗人的雅称。

At one time, the Muses were the goddesses of inspiring springs, but they became the representatives of poetry, the arts and science and sources of inspiration. Homer refers to them as one Muse and as many Muses, living on Olympus. Hesiod refers to them as 9 daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who were born in Pieria.
