8. What degrees are offered?

Not every program offers every degree. Before you enroll, make sure that your school offers the degree that you are looking for.

9. How long does it take to complete the program?

Some online schools offer students the chance to complete a degree in less time. Some students are even able to finish an entire year early.

10. Can I speed ahead or take more time and work at my own pace?

While some schools let students complete tasks at their own pace, others require that students participate in virtual class sessions and have specific deadlines for assignments.

11. What curriculum is used? Will I need to purchase textbooks?

If you will be required to purchase textbooks, determine what their average cost will be. Books can be expensive, even hundreds of dollars per course. If you are an auditory or kinetic learner (learn best by hearing and doing, rather than by reading alone), finding a school that offers a multimedia element in their curriculum may help you master the material.

12. What if I need extra help?

Some schools provide virtual “office hours” that allow students to communicate with teachers when they have additional questions or are struggling in their work. Others expect students to work independently and do not offer direct assistance.

13. How long has this school existed?

The longer the school has existed, the better. A school isn’t automatically credible because it’s been around a long time, but having experience is always a plus.

14. How many students are currently enrolled?

If you enroll in a new school that has very few students, you can expect to encounter quite a bit of instability.

15. How many students have graduated?

A higher graduation rate demonstrates higher levels of student contentment and success.

16. How will I communicate with the school?

Is it all online or is there a number I can call for help? Having a number to call or an actual location you can go to can be very helpful when you need help or are looking for answers. Most legitimate schools will give you a number you can use to reach them.


