

"The ranking change is likely to happen, however, what I am more concerned is how the nation can optimize its export structure and increase the portion of high value-added commodities in the total export basket as soon as possible," Song Hong, senior professor with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences said.


在上面的报道中,high value-added commodities 的意思是“高附加值商品”,那么什么是高附加值商品呢?在经济学中,生产产品的原料和劳力的价格与产品的销售价格之间的差值就是“增加的价值”,也就是 value added。高附加值商品就是增加的价值多的商品,也就是销售价格扣除原料与劳力成本之和后差额大的商品,一般都是技术含量高、市场升值幅度大的产品。例如:We should develop high value-added products which need to be imported in a large number at present.(我们应当开发当前还需大量进口的高附加值产品。)

除了 high value-added commodities 之外,我们还有 high value-added businesses,也就是“生产高附加值商品的企业”。而 value-added tax(增值税)则是向商品增值部分所征的税,简称 VAT。