
Many people are getting rid of their landlines entirely. However, if you work out of your home, this may not be a feasible option. But if you have a separate fax line, you might consider discontinuing it. With a scanner, you can email documents as PDFs instead of faxing.

Like cable and Internet providers, landline phone service packages keep getting cheaper as more competition comes on the market. Consider VOIP or cable phone services. If you do stay with your traditional telephone company, be sure you are getting the cheapest long distance service and not paying for services you don't need.

6.Internet Provider

Shopping around for a better package of telephone services might also save you on your Internet access if you use DSL. But there are many other options for Internet services including cable, satellite and a whole host of wireless Internet options.

The Internet is a telecommuter's lifeline, so do your research first. Be sure if you change service providers the new one will offer the services and reliability your business needs.

7.Refinance Your Home

Refinancing your home can cut your monthly budget expenses the most significantly, sometimes saving you hundreds of dollars per month.

But refinancing involves many upfront costs (interest points, taxes, fees, etc.), so it may take several months (or even years) for you to actually realize these savings. And if you're not planning to stay in the house for long, you could actually lose money on refinancing. Carefully consider the pros and cons of refinancing your home before taking this cost-cutting step.

8.Credit Card Rewards Points

If you have a credit card with rewards points, use them. But use them wisely. Keep in mind that credit card companies offer points to induce you spend more. So don't pay more (by racking up interest or fees) in order to get rewards points. To accumulate points faster, concentrate your spending on the one card that offers the reward you will use (for me that's the one with Home Depot gift cards) rather than spreading your spending among several cards.

Saving rewards points for your dream vacation or another splurge runs the risk of the points expiring or never being used. Using points on a regular basis helps you cut your monthly expenses. Consider using rewards systems that pay cash or offer gift cards that you will actually use.

9.Utility Bills

Like phone and cable industries, your utility company likely has more competition than it once did. Often you can change gas or electric suppliers for a better price on your energy needs, while still remaining a customer of the same utility company for billing and delivery purposes. However, these other suppliers don't always have a better price so be sure to do some comparison shopping.

But the old-fashioned way to save on utility costs is simply to conserve electricity or waste less water.

10.Credit Card Interest Expense

Monthly interest can be a huge expense for those with a large debt. Making only a minimum payment means the monthly interest eats up most of your payment. Reducing interest can mean more money for other expenses or paying off debt faster.

One way to lower your interest is to simply ask for a lower interest rate. Companies will often oblige to keep your business. If they don't, consider a balance transfer to another card with a better rate. Read the fine print, though, balance transfers sometimes offer rates that go up after a period of time and usually involve fees.