


Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Useless means something is not able to be used for the intended purpose, or be utilized at all. What is useless? Why is it useless? What is the outcome?
This week's topic: They thought it was useless... (90-110 words)

1) useless gadget
2) useless in the short-term
3) reusing something which was thought to be useless
4) something useless for one may be useful for another
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


Clearing his mind of useless thoughts for the moment, he got down to business in an attempt to finish all the updating work needed within the next hour or two. While he could still focus, he intended to get done all the items needed for this week within this time slot. Afterwards, Shawn definitely needed to turn his attention to the issue which had been bothering him. In the meantime, he needed to focus. Rolling up his sleeves, he jotted down the things he intended to get done in the next two hours.
