

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress Tuesday that the economy should pull out of a recession and start growing again later this year. Still, rising unemployment, sinking home values and cracked nest eggs will still weigh on consumers willingness to spend freely.


在上面的报道中,nest egg 就是指“养老金”,或是为了某种用途而攒的钱。《牛津英语大词典》将其解释为“放在巢中以引诱鸟继续在某地产蛋的人工蛋或真蛋”,由于是出于某种目的而把蛋存放在巢中,后来西方人就用 nest egg 喻指“养老金”或者“应变的储蓄金”。例如:Investing small amounts of money is an excellent way of building a nest egg(小额投资是积累储备金的好方法)。如果是偷偷攒下的 nest egg,就是“私房钱”了。

Nest 通常都指“巢、窝”等动物的栖身地,不过不同动物的栖身地代表的比喻意义却不尽相同,比如:Jim 喜欢的女孩子拒绝了他,He thought the girl would be his wife-to-be, only to find a mare's nest(他一直以为那个女孩会嫁给他,到头来却是空欢喜一场),但这件事他可不想声张出去,以免 foul his own nest(家丑外扬),或者 put his head into a hornet's nest(招惹是非)。