I think my boss may be bipolar. He's either charging around making bold decisions or he's paranoid, negative and bullying. In the "up" moods he's stimulating, though exhausting. The rest of the time he's paranoid and hostile. I've worked for him for two years and though I admire his talent I find his mood swings increasingly stressful. A couple of weeks ago I tried to broach the matter but he looked as if he was about to have a coronary, so I shut up. Is there anything I can do?


So many readers have sent messages saying that their boss is as erratic and as bonkers as yours that it makes one wonder if there are any normal, stable ones around - especially in investment banking.

There are two reasons why there are so many nutters in these jobs. People who make it to the top of competitive industries are too driven to be well balanced. And even if they were tolerably normal to start off with, the stress, the power and the glory often makes them demented in the end. Or it leads them to seek further thrills in cocaine (or similar) - which makes them more demented still.



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高级试题套餐包括:剑桥BEC高级真题集(第2,3辑);BEC剑桥商务英语证书高级考试仿真试卷 点击查看》