Bob: They pretty much put themselves into a no-win situation by stalling for time on the figures from Smith's and Co. If we can get to home at the next meeting I think that we should be able to take the ball and run.
Pete: If our numbers are right, we should be able to call the shots from here.

鲍勃:他们从Smith's and Co.拿数字的时候太拖拉了,把自己逼到山穷水尽的地步。要是咱们能在下次开会的时候干的漂亮点,我觉得我们应该可以继续往前走了。

no-win situation:baseball-impossible to win, idiom-impossible to succeed

stall for time:American football-to delay the game, idiom-to delay information or a decision

get to home:baseball-score a run, idiom-complete the desired action

take the ball and run:American football-continue to go forward, usually a long distance, idiom-continue in the right direction

call the shotsbasketball-to decide who shoots, idiom-to make the decisions

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