Learning Chinese Poems and Enjoying Chinese Paper Cutting
In Chinese we learn in many different styles, which is a very good system because every person is different and can learn in different ways, so this system allows everyone to learn to their full potential. One style of learning I have found most people enjoy and find useful is learning through Dr Zhou's Poetry. When my class learns the Chinese poetry it seems to be the most happy time in the class for everyone. We learn from the poems how to pronounce words, appreciate the meaning and a way to remember the words easily so they stick in our minds. I believe learning Chinese through poems and songs are by far the most rewarding, easy and most enjoyable way of learning for everyone, and it has definitely been for me.

During Languages Week in Term Three at The Peninsula School the Chinese classes learnt traditional Chinese paper cutting. We all had a very enjoyable time and learnt how to make our own paper cuttings. I've learned from it the skill and art of what makes up the paper cuttings and the characters. The Chinese characters are so much more than just words, they are works of art, each one a picture, a painting with a meaning behind it, like all paintings do. English words will never have that depth and art in them, for the words in English must be placed in a sentence for it to be beautiful, for its meaning to shine, while the Chinese characters can be just by itself and have more beauty and meaning in it than any English sentence. The English letters sometimes just seem like someone has dropped a pile of sticks onto a page, while the Chinese characters look like the brushstrokes of a painting that has lasted through millenniums. Some people may think they are just random lines, but to me I can see each line, each picture has a story that lies within the character, the reason why it’s there, the history and meaning behind more than just the English word translation, but the story of this painting. I am a bit jealous that the Chinese language have such a beautiful style of writing through characters, but I also feel blessed that I can learn what these pieces of art mean and be able to draw some of them myself, and be able to truly appreciate the Chinese language.