

2014 FIFA World Cup第20届世界杯足球赛,在6月12号巴西吹响了号角,而即将到来的决赛也让世界瞩目。这场体育盛宴,又将书写一段段历史与英雄事迹;比赛有输赢,同时也伴随着欢声与泪水。四年一次的足球比拼,也引发了一个个热门话题如哥斯达黎加的顽强佳绩,巴西对德国的惨败,亚洲球队突围的无望,西班牙英格兰的爆冷出局等等,新的一页即将填满,让我们期待决赛的精彩!


Please choose one topic from below listed questions and write an article around 100 words:
1. What is your most impressive thing about 2014 FIFA Brazil World Cup?
2. What is your supporting side in the Brazil World Cup final and why?
3. Open question discussion: my favorite soccer team


Although I am not a big fan of soccer, I still cannot help watching the Brazil World Cup matches to feel the passion of sports. Every four years the soccer history will be renewed and someone will be remembered by the world. However, each game has a winner or loser, so you may feel pitiful to see the disappointed faces because they cannot go through with four-year waiting and preparation. The most impressive thing came to my mind is the semi-final between Brazil and Germany for 2014 FIFA World Cup. It is just unbelievable that Brazil's goal was shot five by German team in the first half, and then the spirit of Brazil team was depressed and negative. That game finally ended with 7:1 (Germany : Brazil) but as a black shamed day for Brazil. The fans were crying and their confidence was losing. At that time, I felt sorry for Brazil but everything happens for a reason. Despite the absence of Neymar, the coach was also responsible for the sad result. It is easily observed that the back and defenders were weak with high risk. No matter what, past is past, and the final game is approaching. Let us witness the winner of Brazil's World Cup and who will become the hero eventually. 
