

前灵媒Jane为找到杀害自己妻女的血腥约翰(Red John), 成为了Lisbon调查小组的一名独立顾问。







"Selected issues in the fourth order differential equations."
I didn't--


He has trouble addressing crowds. My brother was, uh, a mathematical genius. You know, he finished high school at 15, got his first degree in, like two years, but he wasn't good with people. He was good with me. "Selected issues in the fourth order differential equations." I guess that was Noah's. Yeah. And, uh, "Love's Tender Passion." Yours? Go ahead and make fun. Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. No, it's okay. I didn't-- I get it. I know how it looks. I'm no brainiac, and if you met him, you'd probably think Noah was king of the geeks. What can I say? I always had a thing for the smart guys. My girlfriends thought I was crazy. But when he opened up, Noah had a beautiful soul.
他不敢当众讲话。我弟弟是个数学天才。 他15岁高中毕业,两年后就拿到了学士学位。 可他不大会跟人相处。 跟我就处得很好。 《四阶微分方程题选》 是诺亚的吧。 对。 这本是《爱:柔情似水》 你的吗? 想笑就笑吧。 没想笑你。 没事的。 我懂,这看起来很可笑。 我资质平平。可诺亚呢。 他是天才中的天才。 没办法,我就是喜欢聪明人。闺蜜都说我疯了。 可跟诺亚熟了后,就能看出他的赤子之心。