
methodology  方法;方法论

filter  渗入

mentor  导师;教师

There are some basic overall methodologies to learning. It really begins first with choosing the right subject. This is key. This choice alone can determine how much you are willing to learn. You have to develop a love for learning and that becomes really easy when you love the subject itself. After the right subject is chosen, then comes the education. When education comes to mind, we tend to think of books, tapes, videos but there's one element that a lot of people seem to miss and that element is the human being. People who are experts in any particular subject can filter through everything and tell you the information you need to read, the actions you need to take, etc., and by doing so, can cut your learning curve in half. That's the whole logic behind mentors and their students.
以下是学习的一些基本方法。 首先是选择正确的学科。这是关键。这个选择本身决定你会学到多少。你要培养对学习的兴趣,当你爱上这门学科本身,学习就变得容易了。 选择了正确的学科之后,随之而来的就是教育了。当我们脑海中出现教育这个词,我们就会想到书籍、磁带、视频,但许多人都忽略了一个要素,这个要素就是人。擅长某门学科的人会过滤、筛选该学科的所有知识,然后告诉你需要读的书、要采取的行动,等等。通过这些做法,学习便能事半功倍。这是老师和学生们都忽略的逻辑。