

Metropolitan Museum of Art 

New York City

Mona Lisa

Leonardo da Vinci


the United States



Museums work constantly to improve their collections and ways of displaying them. All museums share a common aim -to attract visitors and help them to understand and enjoy the collections. Museums are always on the watch for new additions to their collections. Works of art are bought from art dealers and private collectors or at auction sales. Museums also accept gifts and bequests, but the large museums no longer accept everything that is offered to them. They accept only objects or collections that meet their high standards. Museums often arrange loan exhibitions of important works from private owners, art dealers, and other museums. In this way a famous masterpiece may be viewed by people who otherwise might never have the chance to see it. For example, in 1963 the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City exhibited one of the world's most famous ladies -Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci. The government of France had lent the painting to the United States.
博物馆的工作一直是提高藏品的质量和改善展览的方式。所有的博物馆都有共同的目标——吸引游客并且帮助他们理解和欣赏藏品。博物馆总是密切注意着新增的藏品。艺术品通常来自于艺术品商人,私人收藏家或在拍卖会上所得。博物馆也接受礼赠和遗赠,但是大型的博物馆不再接受任何赠送的藏品。他们只接受达到他们要求的高质量藏品。 博物馆经常举办一些重要艺术品的展览。这些艺术品是从私营业主,艺术品经销商,和其他的博物馆借来的。通过这个方法,更多的人将会有机会参观有名的杰作。比如说,大都会艺术博物馆在1963年展出了世界名画,是由达芬奇所画的蒙娜丽莎。法国政府将这幅画借给了美国。 (翻译:有梦小溪,水平有限,仅供参考)