
When a friend or a family member is ill, we all want to help him or her. Flowers can show your care and make a hospital room cheerful. However, make sure they are permitted in the patient's room. And there may be dietary restrictions, so don't bring chocolates unless you know the patient is able to eat them. You can also bring books, magazines, or other things to your friend's interests. Consider these guidelines for visiting someone in the hospital: First, don't visit unless you are healthy. Even a common cold can cause serious complications to a patient. Second, confirm that visitors are allowed. Some units only allow certain family members to visit. Finally, limit visits to about 15 to 20 minutes. This is long enough to show your care but not so long as to exhaust your friend. Receiving visitors can take more energy than you would expect. A few people would prefer nothing to be done. They may feel guilty of accepting help, because they feel strongly that every favor must be repaid. So every time, we must think it over carefully.
当朋友或家人生病的时候,我们都想帮上忙。送鲜花可以表示你的关心也能使病房变得明亮起来,但是要确保这个病房里是允许摆放鲜花的。并且饮食方面,病人也许需要忌口,所以,除非你知道病人可以巧克力,否则还是不要带来了。你也可以带些你朋友感兴趣的东西过来,书籍、杂志或者其他的什么。 去探望病人的时候有些准则可以参考下:第一,如果你生病了,最好别去探视病人。因为哪怕是普通的着凉感冒也许都会引起病人的一些并发症。第二,确认一下是否可以探视病人。一些机构是只允许直系亲属探视的。最后,把时间限制在15至20分钟适宜。只要不让你的朋友觉得筋疲力尽,这个时间足够表达你对病人的关心了。探视者给病人带来的能量远比你想到的还多。 少数人也许宁愿你什么都别做,因为他们深深的的觉得每个人情都得偿还,所以接受了帮助会让他们有负罪感。因此,每一次表示关心之前,我们需要三思而后行。 ——译文来自: 米果714