Unit 7 life coversation 3




20-cent Stamps


Tom asks Rose if she needs something. I'm going into town. Can I get you anything while I'm out? Do you think you might go by a post office? I could. What would you like? Oh. Could you get me a book of 20-cent Stamps? Sure. I'd be glad to. I'll go and get some money. Don't worry about it. You can pay me when I get back. If you happen to go by a stationery, could you buy a pad of writing-paper for me? Sure. No problem. But don't bother if it's inconvenient. Here's a ten-dollar bill. I'm sure that it'll be more than enough. Oh, and would you mind posting these letters? Not at all. Just one more thing...could you drop off this film at a camera shop? Sure, if I have time. Thank you very much!
汤姆问萝丝有没有事情要他帮忙? 我要去趟镇里。有事需要我代劳一下么? 你经过邮局么? 有的,你有什么事么? 你能为我买本20分面值的邮票么? 可以,我很乐意。 我去拿钱给你。 没关系。等我回来时,你再给也不迟。 如果你碰巧路过文具店的话,给我买一叠信纸,好么? 没问题。 假如有不方便的话,就不麻烦你了。这是十美元。 我确定用不了这么多钱。 你介意帮我寄这些信件么? 一点也不。 还有一件事,你能去照相馆让他们给我冲洗这张胶卷么? 有时间的话,我会却的。 非常感谢。 ——译文来自: carol12590