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文章中间部分和结尾处各一处破折号 -- ,中间还有一处省略号 ... ,大家听写注意哦!

Yes, I agree. Will the new staff get the same deal as everybody here? What do you mean? Well, the canteen and everything? Let me have a look ... yes, more or less. There's the travel allowance, but we are going to look at that over the next couple of years to see if we are going to retain it or not. It's one of the possible cost savings. Also, although we're building a canteen there, we're getting outside caterers in -- it'll be much cheaper than the system we've got here. The staff will have to pay slightly more because the company won't be making a contribution but it won't be much more. And then, there's the discount policy that staff get on our products -- I mean, that operates across the company so it wouldn't work any differently.