XNDU4MzIwNTA4/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,不用带数字序号> E: Aria, hey. What's that? A: Bills. You forgot to tell Vanity Fair that you moved. More importantly, what is that? E: Nothing. Impulse buy. I kind of have a date tonight. A: Excuse me? E: You heard me.      1    A: Oh, that's awesome! Well, why didn't you tell me? E:      2    A: You do not need to be nervous. E: That is easy for you to say.      3    A: So, who is he, where does he live, and what is the hair situation? E: Plenty, and it's on his head. A: Excellent. Nice eyes? E: Yes. Kind of smiley, think, I don't know, like silver fox. A: Oh, nice. That's what you're wearing? E: Well, I thought it was.      4    Wait, why am I asking you? You wear forks as earrings. A: No, no, no, I like it. I do, and it's pretty daring for you. And please, do not wear a scarf with it. E: What makes you say I would wear a scarf? A:      5    Bye.
I met somebody on that website that you made me join. Because if I mention it beforehand, I may be more nervous than I already am. You have dated within this century. Is it too much for a coffee shop? Because I have known you 100% of my life.
我在你让我加入的那个交友网站上认识了一个人。 因为如果我之前就跟你说了,我可能会比现在更紧张。 你不过是才开始谈恋爱,(你怎么知道)。 穿这个去咖啡馆是不是太过了? 因为我对你百分之百了解。 ——译文来自: Lilyokii