XNDU4MzE5MDg4/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,不用带数字序号> W: Morning, Hanna. Is your mom home? H: Why? W:      1    H: Like that's stopped you before. W: Do me a favor.      2    H: Why do you need my blood? W: We have new evidence in the Dilaurentis case, and the family wants answers. And since the blood on that anklet doesn't match the guy who's locked up... H: What, so you think it's my blood? W: O-negative, same type as yours. H: Yeah, and probably a billion other people. W: The billion other people weren't slipping notes under a woman's hospital bracelet. H: You have no proof that I did that. W: Multiple witnesses saw you coming out of that room, Hanna. H: Well, they're wrong.      3    W: Then why do you look so scared?
Because I'm not supposed to talk to you without a guardian present. Tell your mom we need you to come in for a blood sample. My blood is not on your evidence.
因为我不能在你没有监护人在场的时侯和你说话。 告诉你妈妈我们将需要你的血样。 我的血不是你的证据。 ——译文来自: laureence