

大家一定知道风靡全球的哈利波特吧,J.K Rowling缔造的魔法世界从魔法石打出第一响开始就在一代又一代的孩子们心中根深蒂固,童年天真的我们只是把它当作是幻想中的世界,9 3/4站台,国王十字车站,霍格沃茨,一切的一切都像是梦中一样,神奇而遥不可及。然而,这部接连七部的鸿篇巨作却也在可遇而不可求的魔法世界中细腻地描绘出人与人之间的情感,那种任何黑魔法都无法攻破的莉莉对哈利的母爱,那种生死相依的罗恩,赫敏,哈利朋友情。在这里,黛黛要特别强调的却是每个孩子都曾经深深厌恶的西弗勒斯.斯内普先生!他为了深爱的莉莉的儿子,忍辱负重那么多年,以一副冷人生厌的铁面孔埋藏起心底里对莉莉的爱,用生命捍卫了哈利最后的胜利!不得不掩藏起炽热的爱,反而要用让所要保护的人误解的方式表现出来直到死去,这样的代价,有几个人负得起!

You must know Harry Potter which swept the world. The magic world created by J.K Rowling has hit the first ring in one and another generation of children's heart ingrained.We were so naive that we just treated it as a world of fantasy, such as the 9 3/4 platform, King's Cross Station and Horgwarts, everything looks like a dream,marvelous but distant. However, the seven magnificent work also has described the pure love of people, just like the great mother love Lily gave Harry which any kind of magic cannot break, the solid friendship of Ron, Hermione and Harry. Here,what I specially emphasis is Severus Snape whom were deeply disliked by almost every children! His deep love for Lili's son, swallowing humiliation and bear a heavy load for so many years, and feeling a cold person boring hole buried love for Lili in the heart, with life defending Harry final victory! Have to hide the hot love, but to keep the misunderstooding until death, such a price, a few people could afford!

Choose one of Harry Potter you like and say something about her/him. Tell us what you think is the point of that character.


I think everyone has its own way to express its love. However, there also be someone who has to hide his love in the bottom of heart deeply, what's more, he must pretend to stay on the opposite side to protect the one he loves, just like Mr. Severus Snape!

Love means much. For such people, love means death. They just can't avoid and must face it bravely. They do things seem to harm the one they love just in order to protect him from harm! Few people understand them, and they can't explain anything as well. We can see such love in reality, too. We may see some parents who let their children go and earn their own life by themselves. Someone else may wonder that whether they are the real parents or not because they treat their children so bad! Acctually, they just do what they should and have to do, to develope the ability to live better.

Never blame who seems to do bad for you, because maybe they just love you too much!
