

2004年和2008年两次严重的奶粉安全事件,让中国妈妈们购买奶粉的品牌选择从小品牌转向大品牌,又从本土品牌转向外资品牌。然而,近两年国内市场销售的洋奶粉也开始不断爆出负面新闻。焦虑之下,不少妈妈转而直接在境外购买奶粉,而另一些妈妈则重新开始选择国内大品牌的奶粉。陷阱一:八成洋奶粉由中国企业操盘,国内奶企的信誉逐步丧失,让中国妈妈抢购洋奶粉成为一种潮流。陷阱二:“买贵买安心”, 奶粉借机提价。奶粉安全问题频发,让恐慌的妈妈们产生了一种错觉:便宜无好货。陷阱三:各种添加,乱花迷眼。除了迷信洋奶粉和高价奶粉,许多中国妈妈往往还陷入了另一种误区——添加了各种营养物质的配方奶粉比母乳更适合孩子


For today's topic, please select one listed below to share your thoughts^^:

1. What are the possible causes of contaminated milk powder imports in China?

2. What are the impacts of the Milk Scandal? Milk powder imports?

3. What policies shall regulate the Milk Scandal?


A rural family’s true story shocked me. A ten- year old boy in this family has the equivalent intelligence of four-year kids. This is the result of epidemic encephalitis B which was incurred by disqualified vaccine at his two. Because of the disability the couple could have the second kid, another boy. The dad was so happy that he bought the pricy San Lu formula as gift for the newborn. However, the famous domestic brand milk was some cheap, poisonous, chemical substitute which caused their second boy kidney permanent dysfunction. The tragedy humiliates the industry and discourages the customers. Who supposed to concern how to reconstruct the confidence building?


Not to mention the temporary profits obtained from the Milk Scandals, the economic trend has also impacted as the happiness index of the public declined.

Light punishments on illegal business are unable to control the black markets while the contaminated milk powders continue to poison our next generation. The government should better take action before the endangerment of the planet. With the encouragement of the government, the food authority should cooperate with other departments to detect any suspicious business.

Our nation is our home, we should be obligated to improve the quality of our community. Our community is not alone and as the old saying goes, "Many hands provide great strength".
