

In recent years, food safety incidents pop up continuously in China and keep affecting the public trust on producers' reputation and governmental strength of supervision. For example, in April 2004, at least 13 babies in Fuyang, Anhui and 50–60 more in rural areas of Anhui died of malnourishment from ingesting fake milk powder. Within three days of ingesting the formula, the babies' heads swelled while their bodies became thinner from malnourishment. The fake formulas were tested to have only 1-6% protein when the national requirement was 10% protein. The sad facts touch our nerves and can be treated as a wake-up call for food safety improvement in China in the long run.


For today's topic, please select one listed below to share your thoughts^^:
1. Do you hold the confidence of Chinese food safety? What are your concerns?

2. What are the possible reasons behind Chinese food safety concerns?

3. What is your suggestion to regain public confidence of Chinese food safety?


In contemporary society, the public trust is not easy to gain in terms of food safety. Human health concern is always the priority concern and linked closely to our daily life. Motivated by profit either the food manufacturing or the private businessmen seeks the maximum benefit in the sacrifice of our health or lives. The impacts are detrimental and result in our disappointment in purchasing necessities such as milk powder or pork. To regain public confidence of Chinese food safety, more efforts need to make. Government needs to establish stricter regulations and push specific inspection frequently aiming to prevent the harmful or contaminated food before entering into our markets.


As China stepping closer towards the international industralization and commercialization these years, despite of the air pollution, food safety is always the Trogan Horse in China. The Food Safety Department should be reform not only for the rise of the health problem in the society, but also for the sake of the future generation. The Public Health Department should examine every restaurant with a graded certificate. As in the United States, the grade A certificate serves as an reassureness for the food safety and the environmental hygiene. If China don't take the food safety crisis seriously, China would become another peril planet.
