

The move so young(致我们终将逝去的青春) directed by Zhao Wei will be released next month. In order to publicize her film, Zhao Wei attended in a program called A date with Luyu(鲁豫有约) at her birthday. As a surprise, her best friend HuangXiaoming suddenly showed up and gave her a big hug. At the program, they talked with the host Lu Yu about their stories when they were classmate.

After the broadcasting of this program, the audiences were impressed by their relationships, and said that “The furthest distance in the world Isnot between life and death, but when you are Mrs. Huang, yet I’m not the Mr. Huang.”


Do you believe there is pure friendship between the opposite sex and why?


There is a traditional view that heterosexual relationship must be complex or at least involves something under table. But actually, for my part, we should be generous to normal association between male and female. When a rich makes friendwith a poor and helps the poor a lot, people will say how great the friendshipis! When a man spares all his efforts out to help his friend to achieve dreams,people will say how great the friendship is! But when it comes to heterosexual relationship, people would not attribute this kind of actions to theirfriendship. Is it fair? Friendship can exist everywhere and between different classes, different status, why can’t it exist between opposite genders?


Friendship is the bonding between people. When people who have common interests and goals meet, they can become friends. They laugh together, cry together and grow together. Gender is not an issue. When they are striving for the same thing, people will find the same topics interesting. They hold similar points-of-view and laugh at the same jokes. Rarely would they have those moments of awkward silence, because they will always have something to talk about. When people are close, and connect emotionally, whether it is a group of female, male, or co-ed, there is no need to make a big deal about it. To do so would be Much Ado About Nothing.
