The Company:

When everyone is getting of the plane, it’s the group coming together from being in different places to help take down the Company.
The group will break into a variety of places this season, with the ultimate goal of bringing down the Company by breaking into their headquarters.
The black book helps in the fight against The Company.



T-Bag is at work when he is dressed in his suit with a mustache.
No word yet if there will be any Sona footage. The Man just alludes to the fact that it will be explained what happened and how Bellick, T-Bag, and Sucre got out.
We will see Lang at some point.
It is unknown if Caroline Reynolds will return to the story line.
Mahone’s goal this season is to be reuinted with his family and to keep him safe. His relationship with Michael and Lincoln “has developed into one of hesitant respect“.
Bellick does not want to go back to Fox River as an inmate - so he is going to help the A-Team.

Caroline Reynolds的剧情回归还是个未知数。
Bellick不想要以一个犯人的身份回到Fox River监狱,所以他得帮助A团队。

Season 5:

In regards to the huge amount of promotion for Season 4, The Man seems to think that enough people watch it could lead to a 5th Season.


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