娇蛮跋扈的公主 在阿宝的愤怒下终于明白了朋友的意义 也终于得到了真正的朋友~~ Hints: You -- Ugh Duh and-- 注:因为大家反应难 这期简单了些 全文听写
You -- you fixed it. Is your foot okay? Ugh, if you like medium rare. You think I don't know nobody likes me? Some of them pretend to, but it's just because I'm a princess. I never have any friends. Not real friends, like you have, like the cricket and that mean man with the stripes. You have a friend now. The puppet? Duh! Me. Really? Yeah, why not? As long as you don't chop my head off. How do I know you don't just want something from me? Are you kidding? After that bandit attack, you don't have anything. It's a deal. So care to lose a game of mah-jongg? I never lose. And I go first, and-- I mean, would you like to go first? Well, thank you, Princess. You're still going to lose. Dream on.
你..你居然把它修好了 你脚没事儿吧? 嗯哼 如果你喜欢五成熟的熊猫掌的话 你以为我不知道没人喜欢我吗? 有些人假装很喜欢我 还不是因为我的公主身份么 我从来都没有过朋友 我是说真正的朋友 不像你 有只小虫子 还有那个满身条纹的凶女人 你现在有朋友啦~ 小木偶? 什么啊~ 我啦~ 真滴么 嗯哼 怎么不行 只要你不砍我脑袋就行~ 可是你要怎么证明你不是对我另有所图呢? 开玩乐么亲 你那点儿东西早被劫匪抢光了~ 你现在一无所有鸟~ 说的也是 那么 输盘麻将给我怎咩样啊~ 我才不会输呢!而且我要先出牌!而且。。 我是说 你想先出么? 咩哈哈谢谢你公主~ 但是你还是会输哦~ 啧啧 做梦去吧~ By: 灌心饼干