昨天网络突然不给力 没有更新 今天补上> < 有时候我们会做出一些疯狂的事情 对我们的家人或者朋友 但是那确实因为深爱.............. Hints: Um maybe- shouldn't... this- funny- Haley this...
I don't know what just happened. I do. I mean, it seems pretty simple to me. You're reaching out, trying to hold on to something awesome. Um, maybe- maybe you shouldn't... Look, look, look. I'm not used to this- the whole big family thing. In my house, we don't even talk to each other. You know, it's funny- the first time I saw Haley, I knew I liked her. I mean, she's beautiful and everything, but it's- it's not just that. It's that she's got this killer confidence- You know, the kind of confidence that you get from having a family like this... That's passionate and accepting of hot foreigners and gay dudes and nutty people. You know, a family that actually loves each other. I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but maybe we should let her go with him. He's perfect.
对不起 我不知道刚才我是怎么了 可我知道 我是说 这个对我来说很简单 你来这里 希望挽回什么不好的事 嗯 大概 嗯 你不应该... 嗯..嗯..我对象这样一个大的家庭并不熟悉 在我家里 家庭成员之间彼此都不说话 嗯..大概看起来这样很奇怪 我第一次见Haley 我知道我就爱上了她 我是说 她既可爱又美好 嗯 不仅仅是那样 以及她身上闪耀着的那种常人难以企及的自信 我想这种自信应该来自于拥有一个像这样的大家庭 那样的热情 以及接受火热的外国人 龙阳 以及疯癫的人一起 你知道吗 这样的家庭 成员之间是真正的爱彼此 我真不相信我会这么说 或许他们应该在一起 嗯是啊 他看起来这么完美 by:灌心饼干