我们常常对身边的人的一些行为看不惯 其实正是因为他们的着一些不同之处 才构成了我们亲爱的他们 生活需要磨合 爱 不是相互折磨 是相互体恤 Hints: problem -- " people." see -- hmm He -- T-trust it -- it -- it's Gloria
Rough day,dad. Your hot, young wife doesn't like your doll. Yeah. Unlike your big problem -- "my boyfriend's too nice to people." No, see -- hmm. That's not all it is. He -- he helps animals. He's always volunteering for things. T-trust me, it -- it -- it's worse than it sounds. Who are we kidding? We both got it pretty good. Hell, I'm probably fighting with your mom more than I'm fighting with Gloria on this thing. A bird fell out of a tree, and he fed it with an eyedropper. Just drop it, kid. We're both with people different from us and that's gonna create stuff, but you want different. Your mom and I were perfect on paper and you know how that ended. What I got now is a lot better. Sure, people look at us sometimes and sometimes even I can't believe we're together. But we're happy. At the end of the day, there's no one I'd rather come home to. You mean Gloria? Who else? No one. I'll see you later. See you, kid.
今天真是点背啊老爸 你年轻貌美的媳妇儿不喜欢你的小狗玩具 嗯哼 不过没你捏个这么棘手~ 我男盆友对别人都过于好了我该肿么办~~ 不不不 还多着呢 他还帮助各种小动物 他平时还做各种义工 哎。。相信我 情况比你想的要严重 我们这不都是胡说么 咱俩生活不都很幸福么 我跟Gloria这次的争吵其实更像是跟你妈吵的那种 你不知道他有多夸张 一只小鸟从树上掉下来 他都要用眼药水喂它吃东西 别管它了儿子 咱现在都是与跟我们不一样的人生活在一起 虽然会有摩擦 但是这不是你想要的么 我跟你妈过去看起来是多么般配的一对 但是你也知道我们是怎么结束的 我现在过的更美好 不过有时候大家看我们用怀疑的态度 甚至我有时候都不相信我们居然会在一起 但是我们生活的很幸福 当每天结束的时候 我都想立马回到她身边 你说Gloria? 还能有谁? 没神马 待会儿见吧 拜拜~ By: 灌心饼干