
My mind was thoroughly boggled: the ugly earth, the humble earth, the plain earth--it is only because of the roses that it reveals an amazing and bright smile, and it is for the sake of that smile that it wins the care and pity of men.




“惊艳”指这种微笑出现在如此不起眼的泥土里,既使人感到意外,有让人觉得灿烂无比,所以译为amazing and bright。



Of late a friend of mine invited me to appreciate a Tang Dynasty vase that he was fortunate enough to have bought at an auction. The vase, with its slim neck, plump body, and fine little flowers on a blue and white background, has a noble shape and a rich colouring, elegant, refined, proud, poised, and supercilious, an extreme embodiment of the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty. I was filled with wonder to think that while everyone present was taking great care not to cause the slightest damage to the Tang treasure, it was to me nothing but an object made of clay. It had only become a piece of classic art after being baked in a china kiln.

这句的重点是看花瓶,花瓶怎么来的就不那么重要,所以译为从句。句子用了of late开头,使上下文连接通顺,没有这样一个短语,英文前后这两句是衔接不好的。

at an auction:这里用介词at,而不硬套中文用on。

后半句颇费思量。考虑到英文也可用介词引导一连串词组作定语,所以便用with引导三个名词词组,整句其实是把原文的意思融合后译出的,译文中的词或词组并不一定与原文的词或词组一一对应,如noble shape就兼有“雍容、华贵”和“造型”的意思,rich colouring含“色彩”、“流光溢彩”、“华贵”等几重意义。所以这句译时并非词对词,那样很难将原文的所有涵义完全译出。

filled with wonder:心里觉得奇怪,很想知道。


the Tang treasure:原文是“盛唐”,但这个意思已在前文译出,所以不再重复。

“其实”没有直接译出,因为这个意思是存在于上下句之间的,而且后面还有only一词,因此没有太大必要用in fact或者actually。

“瓷中经典”也已隐含在the Tang treasure当中,因此就简单地译成了after being baked in a china kiln。 


Both the exquisiteness of the boccaro teapots made in south China, and the shockingly beautiful sculptures by Clay Sculptor Zhang of Tianjin--aren't they all smiles of the earth? They are such exquisite treasures that--even if they look ugly, humble, plain, or whatever--they no doubt deserve respect and veneration.

the shockingly beautiful sculptures by Clay Sculptor Zhang of Tianjin:中文可以很简洁地说“泥人张”,英文也可直接译成Clay Sculptor Zhang。



Now I understand that no-one, however ordinary, should be condemned to anonymity, and that anyone who adds a dash of colour to life deserves our respect.

中文的语气是“无论是谁,都不应当......”,换成英文的习惯就是用否定代词说no-one...;中文可以用动词的主动形式表示被动,而到了英文里就需要用被动的形式,尽管英文里也有为数不多的几个动词有这样的用法。所以这里用了should be condemned to anonymity

中文的“刮目相看”是“用新的眼光看待”,此处意译为deserve our respect,因为将它理解为treat sb. with more respect比look at sb. with new eyes更好一些。