Hints: 本期学习的字源:centr=center中央 Ptolemaic Earth TIME Inc. Maverick Copernican Dante Divine Comedy 单词不需要大写,单词与例句或不同词条之间换行即可。 注解中详细介绍了单词的拆分与释义,是学习字源分析的重中之重!一定记得听写后来看注解!
central centrifugal Earth stays on the orbit around the sun because the centrifugal force is balanced by the gravitational force. centripetal The centripetal force and the centrifugal force are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. concentration It takes a tremendous amount of concentration to play this video game. concentric Ptolemaic cosmology pictures the universe as a series of concentric circles, with Earth at the center. decentralize TIME Inc. recently decentralized operations by shifting authority to regional headquarters. eccentric Maverick was the name of an eccentric rancher who refused to brand his cows. egocentric Man by nature is egocentric, and thinks mostly of himself. geocentric The Ptolemaic universe is also called the geocentric universe. heliocentric The Copernican universe is also known as the heliocentric universe. theocentric Dante's Divine Comedy depicts a theocentric world.
Earth stays on the orbit around the sun because the centrifugal force is balanced by the gravitational force. 地球能在绕日轨道上运转是因为离心力和重力抵消。 The centripetal force and the centrifugal force are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. 向心力和离心力一样大,只是方向相反。 It takes a tremendous amount of concentration to play this video game. 打这个电玩要非常专注。 Ptolemaic cosmology pictures the universe as a series of concentric circles, with Earth at the center. 托勒密的宇宙论将宇宙描绘成一系列的同心圆,地球在中心。 TIME Inc. recently decentralized operations by shifting authority to regional headquarters. 时代公司最近分散控制权,将权力下放到各地区总部。 Maverick was the name of an eccentric rancher who refused to brand his cows. "孤牛"原本是一个古怪的牧场主的名字,他不肯将自己的牛烙上印记。 Man by nature is egocentric, and thinks mostly of himself. 人的天性是以自我为中心,通常只想到自己。 The Ptolemaic universe is also called the geocentric universe. 托勒密所说的宇宙又称为以地球为中心的宇宙。 The Copernican universe is also known as the heliocentric universe. 哥白尼所说的宇宙又被称作以太阳为中心的宇宙。 Dante's Divine Comedy depicts a theocentric world. 但丁的《神曲》描绘一个以神为中心的世界。