Hints: 本期学习的字源:se-=apart分离 secession一词在例句中大写 Confederate States the Union Parliament Population Registration Act 单词不需要大写,单词与例句或不同词条之间换行即可。 注解中详细介绍了单词的拆分与释义,是学习字源分析的重中之重!一定记得听写后来看注解!
select secession The Secession in U.S. history means the separation of the Confederate States from the Union. secluded The hermit lives a secluded life high in the mountains. segregation South Africa's Parliament revoked the Population Registration Act in June, 1991, thereby removing the last legal pillar of segregation in that nation.
The Secession in U.S. history means the separation of the Confederate States from the Union. 美国历史上的脱离一词指的是南方各州脱离联邦独立一事。 The hermit lives a secluded life high in the mountains. 这位隐士在深山中过着与世隔绝的生活。 South Africa's Parliament revoked the Population Registration Act in June, 1991, thereby removing the last legal pillar of segregation in that nation. 南非在1991年六月废除人口登记法,连带移除了种族隔离的最后法源。