Hints: 本期学习的字源:temp=heat, season, time热度、季节、时间 Michael Chang The Tempest Shakespeare Li Po Tu Fu 单词不需要大写,单词与例句或不同词条之间换行即可。 注解中详细介绍了单词的拆分与释义,是学习字源分析的重中之重!一定记得听写后来看注解!
temperature temper The boss lost his temper today. temperament The new secretary is a girl with an artistic temperament. temperamental Michael Chang always remains calm throughout the game, unlike some of the more temperamental tennis players. temperance His wife is president of the temperance society. temperate Much of China lies in the temperate zone. tempest The Tempest is one of Shakespeare's finest romances. tempestuous The ship is struggling in tempestuous seas. tempo The fast tempo of the music makes it ideal for dancing. temporary Pouring cold water on skin burns can provide temporary relief. contemporaneous Li Po was contemporaneous with Tu Fu. contemporary Li Po was a contemporary of Tu Fu. extemporaneous All contestants must draw a topic and make an extemporaneous speech on it.
The boss lost his temper today. 老板今天发脾气了。 The new secretary is a girl with an artistic temperament. 新来的秘书是个有艺术气质的女孩。 Michael Chang always remains calm throughout the game, unlike some of the more temperamental tennis players. 张德培在比赛时一定从头到尾保持冷静,不像一些很情绪化的网球选手。 His wife is president of the temperance society. 他老婆是禁酒协会的会长。 Much of China lies in the temperate zone. 中国有很大一部分位于温带地区。 The Tempest is one of Shakespeare's finest romances. 《暴风雨》是莎士比亚最好的浪漫作品之一。 The ship is struggling in tempestuous seas. 这艘船正在狂暴的海上挣扎。 The fast tempo of the music makes it ideal for dancing. 这种音乐的快节奏很适合用来跳舞。 Pouring cold water on skin burns can provide temporary relief. 在灼痛的皮肤上浇冷水可以暂时止痛。 Li Po was contemporaneous with Tu Fu. 李白和杜甫同时代。 Li Po was a contemporary of Tu Fu. 李白和杜甫同时代。 All contestants must draw a topic and make an extemporaneous speech on it. 参赛者都要抽个题目做即席演说。