节目采用张红岩编著的《词以类记—TOEFL iBT词汇》,只听写英文单词,听完一个单词回车另起一行听写下一个单词,句子和中文不用听写。 Hints:本期19个单词。
euphonious harsh jazz movement note score instrument lyric conservatory episode orchestra chorus concert band record record percussion string wind
euphonious 悦耳的 sweet Her praise is surely a euphonious song to me. harsh 刺耳的 hoarse unpleasant The harsh words by Tom annoyed Mike. jazz 爵士乐 movement 乐章 note 音符 score 乐谱 instrument 乐器 "Flute(长笛), piano and violin are all musical instruments." lyric 抒情诗 conservatory 音乐学校 Twenty students were accepted to the musice conservatory this year. episode 插曲 interlude The long lecture I got from my boss was one episode that I did not want to undergo a second time. orchestra 管弦乐队 band ensemble chorus合唱团 choir ensemble A chorus accompanied the orchestra. concert 音乐会 The pianist will give a concert at the high school. band 乐队 record 档案 唱片 register The famous singer is expecting to release his second record. record 记录 录音 The book recorded Diana's life honestly. percussion 打击乐器 震荡 string 弦乐 wind 管乐