节目采用张红岩编著的《词以类记—TOEFL iBT词汇》,只听写英文单词,听完一个单词回车另起一行听写下一个单词,句子和中文不用听写。 Hints:本期48个单词。
contagious catching infect infectious contract acute feverish invalid morbid numb unconscious fragile susceptible malady corpse gash symptom fracture bleed tingle recur relapse bruise fester intoxicate survive diagnose diagnosis inject heal remedy treatment prescription dissect sterile clinic anatomy healthful condition hygiene sanitation physical sustenance malnourished nutrition mental spiritual subject
contagious 传染的 catching, infectious" "Cancer is not contagious, so you shouldn't be afraid to touch someone with cancer." "catching 传染的 contagious, infectious 迷人 的" Mary is quite catching on campus. "infect 传染,感染 spread, affect" The new disease will be sure to infect the population. infectious 传染的 感染性的 contagious contract 感染 infect She contracted a serious illness. acute 急性的 Severe acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is taking it toll on China's tour industry. feverish 发烧的 "Your forehead feels very hot, are you feverish?" invalid 有病的 "morbid 病态的 不健康的 sick, diseased" The parient has a morbid imagination that made his illness worse. "numb 麻木的 senseless, dead" "unconscious 失去知觉的,不察觉的" fragile 体质弱的 He's feeling a bit fragile after last night's party. "susceptible 易受感染的 vulnerable, exposed" Infants and the elderly are more susceptible to illness than other people. malady 疾病 (melody 悦耳的音调) corpse 尸体 The mortician(殡仪业者)dressed and made up the corpse. gash 深的切口 The doctor stitched(缝合) up the gash on Anne's arm. "symptom 症状 征候 征兆 sign, indication" One symptom of the disease is a high fever. fracture 骨折 crack bleed 流血 Your cut will bleed if you pick the scab (疤). tingle 刺痛 The uncertainty of national events made his blood tingle(兴奋?). "recur 复发 重来 repeat, return" "Really scared by SARS, the world is frightened at the news that it is recurring this spring." relapse 复发 回复 recur Her disease relapsed once she retured to her home. bruise 打伤 瘀伤 Mary got a bruise where she bumped the table. fester 使化脓 decay It's luchy that the wound did not fester. intoxicate 使中毒 He was intoxicated by many awards he received and ceased his step toward the peak of his career. "survive 幸免于... 活下来 outlive, remain" Those who survived rebuilt the city. diagnose 诊断 分析 analyze A pathologist diagnosed the fatal virus. diagnosis 诊断n inject 注射 注入 infuse The dog fell on the ground after being injected. "heal 治愈 (使)和解 痊愈(cure, recover)" The wound soon healed under the care of the nurse. "remedy 治疗法 药物 治疗vt (cure, rectify)" The doctor tried all means to remedy the beloved man. treatment 治疗 prescription 药方 dissect 解剖 Bill dissected a small shark(鲨鱼) in anatomy class. sterile 消过毒的 sanitary clinic 门诊所 anatomy 解析 解剖学 healthful 有益健康的 wholesome condition 健康情形 circumstance My shoes are in bad condition and need to be replaced. hygiene 卫生 (sanitation) The dentist instructed his patients on dental hygiene. sanitation 卫生 卫生设施 physical 身体的 物质的 sustenance 营养物 "For sustenance, the vegetarian(素食者) ate fruits, nuts, and vegetables." malnourished 营养失调的 营养不良的 nutrition 营养 营养学 mental 精神的 智力的 spiritual 心灵的 subject 试验对象