小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦 <注意这里>若页面过长造成听写不便,在听写框的右上角点击“弹出答题纸”即可。 如果喜欢TBBT,欢迎把这段欢乐故事推荐给你的好友哦!~\(≧▽≦)/~
Api/Tio8CDTK+l1lHz2stqkP7KQNt6nkgWy9uVGkIQhdQ0/XM5GeYd0C6S3RAtkEqDhAQ5s/cPci0B8/ 背景:Sheldon不得不住在Penny家…他可不情愿睡沙发(哦漏!我被Sheldon传染了……说话好押韵) -Penny:I don't think the manager's coming tonight, so here. -Sheldon:___________________1__________________? -Penny:Well, it wasn't the first suggestion that ______2______, but it's the one I'm going with. -Sheldon:I can't sleep on your couch. I sleep in a bed. And given its ______3______, I have no intention of living out E.M.Snickering's beloved children's book, The Tall Man From Cornwall. -Penny:What? -Sheldon:"There was a tall man from Cornwall whose length ____4____ his bed." "My body fits on it, but barely upon it, there's no room for my big Cornish head." -Penny:All right, I will give you my bed on one condition: that ________________5_________________. -Sheldon:May I say one last thing? -Penny:Only if it doesn't ___6___. -Sheldon:All right. Good night.
Are you suggesting I sleep on the couch came to mind dimensions exceeded you promise to zip your hole for the next eight hours rhyme