
1. C

 试题分析本题为细节题。文章第二段Imagine your spinal cord as a motorway, the cars

 travelling up and down are the nerve fibres carrying messages from your brain to all parts of the body. If this gets damaged the cars can t travel. The messages are blocked, the patient is paralysed.得知,脊髓就好比高速公路,而从大脑向全身传递信息的神经纤维就好比汽车 ,如果高速公路坏掉,汽车就无法行驶,换句话说,如果脊髓遭到挫伤,神经纤维就无法传递信息,由此判断选项C正确。


本题为细节题。文章第五段中Professor Geoff Raisman说This is difficult and complex work and we want to ensure we get things right,因此可以判断治疗是复杂而艰难的,选项A 的意思是  “已证实的”;选项C的意思是 “有问题的;不可靠的” ;选项D 的意思是“可靠的”,综上所述应选择B 。


本题为细节题。文章第十段第一句Prof. Courtine said he was optimistic patient trials would begin in “a year or two” at Balgrist University Hospital Spinal Cord Injury Centre in Zurich. Other scientists gave a mixed response to the findings.

Dr Elizabeth Bradbury, Medical Research Council Senior Fellow, King’s College London, described the Swiss experiments as elegant and ground-breaking . But she said questions remained before its usefulness in humans could be determined.可得知Prof. Courtine对这些实验持乐观 的态度,而其他的研究人员态度比较复杂 :一方面他们认为这些实验非常具有开拓性,但是另一方面又对人体试验的效果怀有疑问。综上所述,选项A正确 。


本题为推理题。文章第十一段Firstly, will this approach work in contusion/compression type inj uries?可推断选项A错误;根据第十一段中These injuries involve blunt trauma, bruising and compression of the spinal cord可知选项不符合题干 ;根据第十二段many more complications such as abundant scar tissue, large holes in the spinal cord and where many spinal nerve cells and long range nerve fibres have died or degenerated.可知选项C不符合题干;根据文章最后一段可推断出选项D正确。


七年前,我站在一个桥上,使用M40照相机为一个关于脊柱修复的报道拍摄一张照片。我的目标是为描述伦敦大学学院(University College London)的研究者们如何努力战胜脊髓麻痹症状而创作一张比喻性的照片。




人们的希望就是这类动物实验能够在病人身上创造突破。七年来,由杰夫•雷斯曼(Geoff Raisman)教授领导的伦敦大学学院研究小组仍然在研究把这种方法转变成可用于病人的疗法。他告诉我:“这是一项困难而复杂的工作,我们要确保我们做得对。”所以出于谨慎的想法,我调查了某个发表在最新一期的《科学》(Science)杂志上的来自瑞士的某项研究,在实验中,老鼠经过电与化学刺激和恢复训练组合疗法后能够再次行走。

这项研究引来一些新闻报道,说瘫痪病人有了“新希望”。研究带头人格雷瓜尔•库尔蒂纳(Gregoire Courtine)教授激动地说:“这是神经恢复的世界杯。我们的老鼠就在要完全瘫痪的几周前成为了运动员。”




库尔蒂纳教授说,他很乐观地预计在“一两年内”,他们会在苏黎世的巴尔格里斯特大学医院脊髓伤治疗中心(Balgrist University Hospital Spinal Cord Injury Centre)在病人身上尝试此疗法。其他科学家对此研究结果反应各异。伦敦国王学院医学研究会高级会员(Medical Research Council Senior Fellow, King’s College London)伊利莎白•布拉德伯里(ElizabethBradbury)博士认为来自瑞士的该实验是“精美的”,并且是“开拓性的”。但是她说在确定此方法在人身上的可用性之前,许多问题仍然存在。







metaphor n. 比喻                          

electrode n. 电极

spinal cord : 脊髓                                       

contusion n. 挫伤

nerve fibre 神经纤维                                       

compression n. 压缩

sever vt. 切断;隔断                                        

blunt trauma: (由钝器造成的)钝挫伤

nasal adj . 鼻的;与鼻有关的                                  

plasticity n. 可塑性

implant vt. 植入;移植                                     

complication n. 并发症 ,并发病

mimic vt. 模拟;模仿                                        

degenerate vi. 退化

proven adj. 已证实的                                      

exploit vt. 利用

rehabilitation n. 恢复健康                                 

intervention n. 插入;干涉

enthuse v. 表现出热情                                       

spontaneous adj.  自然的,自发的

neuro-comb : 表示“神经”, “神经系统”


1. The team at the Federal Institute of Technology (FIT) in Lausanne inj ected chemicals into the paralysed rats aimed at stimulating neurons that control lower body movement.

本句的主句是the team inj ected chemicals into the paralysed rats ,而aimed at...则是进一 步说明injected chemicals into the paralysed rats这一行为的目的,其宾语是stimulating neurons. 而后跟that引导的定语从句that control lower body movement 。

2. It is not yet known whether it is possible to generate extensive neuroplasticity in a system that has been injured for a long time and now contains many more complications such as abundant scar tissue, large holes in the spinal cord and where many spinal nerve cells and long range nerve fibres have died or degenerated.

本句的形式主语it,而真正的主语是whether it is possible to generate extensive neuroplasticity in a system ,而system后面跟的是that引导的定语从句that has been injured for a long time and now contains many more complications such as abundant scar tissue, large holes in the spinal cord and where many spinal nerve cells and long range nerve fibres have died or degenerated。理解此类句子时 ,先从whether后面的句子着手,鉴于system后面的定语从句较长,应采取从后往前理解的策略,把句子拆分成多个部分“system that has been injured for a long time” , “system that now contains many more complications”, “complications such as abundant scar... degenerated”,而后“whether it is possible to generate extensive neuroplasticity in a neuroplasticity”可转化成一般疑问句“is it possible...” ,最后回答是“It is not yet known”。