沅陵县委宣传部通报称,当日上午8时许,一辆湖北荆州籍液化气槽罐车,在湖南沅陵县境内的常吉高速官庄段处地穆庵隧道口前方发生侧翻,当场造成2人死亡。 接到报警后,沅陵武警消防中队第一时间赶到现场进行救援,在施救过程中,12点12分左右,液化气槽罐车发生泄露,引发爆炸。监控显示,施救中液化气槽罐 车突然爆炸,白雾迅速向方圆一两百米外扩散,当时有三台车被全部覆盖并被强大的冲击力引起爆炸起火,其中两辆是消防车,消防员根本来不及撤离,导致3名消 防员殉职,2人受伤,目前受伤人员已被紧急送往医院救治,当地有关部门正在开展事故善后工作,事故原因也正在调查之中。

A gas tanker explosion has paralysed the Changde-Jishou expressway in central China’s Hunan Province.

A fireball resulted from liquefied gas leaking from a tanker, after it overturned on the Yuanling section of the expressway. Three firefighters were killed in Saturday’s blast in Huaihua City and seven vehicles including two fire engines were wrecked.

Traffic jams built up as the route was closed in both directions. Firefighters have cooled the remaining vapor in the tank. But vehicles are still stranded as the culvert under the accident site is damaged.
