4.Limit television time

Of course, too much of anything can still be badthing.Kids still need time away from the TV to develop social skills and do homework.Control TV time as uncontrolled TV can hinder your child's ability to concentrate and focus on studies.

5.Unstructured play time should be mandatary

Unstructured playtime has always been an importantpart of "being a kid," but it is also crucial to a child's development.Hovering and over-parenting is linked with psychological problems."Free play" not only helps kids develop cognitive and social skills, it also helps them develop into happy, healthy adults in the future.

6.20 minutes of exercise helps kids too

A Swedish study of over a million 18-year-olds showed that fitness does relate to a person's IQ.The specifics of how exercise affects brain growth and development is unclear, but studies show that for 9 and 10-year-olds, 20minutes of exercise before a test significantly improves test scores.