

空中英语教室 生活 小贴士空中英语教室 生活 小贴士

Keep places smelling fresh with cotton balls:
Spray some cotton balls with your favorite perfume. Leave them in drawers, closets and other places in your home. Also put some in your purse, shoes and under the seats in your car. The cotton balls will keep everything smelling fresh.

Fix scratched CDs with toothpaste:
Your favorite CD is scratched. Fix it with a small dot of toothpaste (not gel) on a cotton ball. Rub in a straight line from the center of the CD outward over the scratch. Wash the toothpaste off with water.

Remove stains from a teacup with vinegar:
Put a little vinegar in the teacup, and move the cup in circles. Then wash it. The stains will disappear.

Protect your shoes with men's socks:
When packing your bag for a trip, put each of your nicest shoes into a large sock. The socks will protect the shoes when you are traveling.

Be creative and think of some tips of your own. Share them with your friends.

空中英语教室 生活 小贴士空中英语教室 生活 小贴士

Word Bank:

Alan sprayed white paint all over the wall.

I love to wear this perfume because it smells lovely.

Emily couldn't see very well out of her scratched eyeglasses.

Emma usually adds vinegar to the sauce for chicken and vegetables.

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